I need to write stuff here
Tip 1: Baking with Eggs
When baking, always bring eggs to room temperature first. Cold eggs may cause the batter to curdle, which could affect the
cake's texture. To quickly bring eggs to room temperature, let them soak in a bowl of warm water for about a half hour.
List of Tips
2|Ioc|Chaos Sorcerer 1|Ioc|Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning 1|Mrl|Cyber Jar 1|Pgd|Don Zaloog 1|Db1|Jinzo 2|Tp5|Kycoo
the Ghost Destroyer 1|Sye|Kuriboh 1|Pgd|Newdoria 1|Lod|Asura Priest 1|Ct1|Blade Knight 1|Dcr|D.D. Warrior Lady 1|Mrd|Magician
of Faith 1|Dcr|Reflect Bounder 1|Ast|Enemy Controller 1|Lon|Mage Power 1|Mrl|Messenger of Peace 1|Rds|Monster
Reincarnation 1|Lob|Pot of Greed 1|Lob|Swords of Revealing Light 1|Lon|United We Stand 1|Rds|Divine Wrath 1|Lon|Magic
Cylinder 1|Mrd|Mirror Force 1|Fmr|Metalmorph 2|Pgd|Nightmare Wheel 1|Pgd|Ring of Destruction 1|Lon|Torrential
Tribute 1|Mrl|Painful Choice 1|Lod|Fiber Jar 1|Lod|Exiled Force 1|Mfc|Tribe-Infecting Virus