Dungeons And Dragons-- All you need to Know And More
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If you are here, then you probably already know how to play, but if you don't, then let me tell you what it is about.  There are several books you will need to purchas in order to play.  There is a Monster Manual, A Dungeon Master's Guide, and A Players Handbook.  These are only the basic books, that you will need in order to play.  THe books that you do decide to get, are available for purchase at a bookstore, for about 25 to 30 dollars, so you need money,  Any way, you basically play the game from the books. 

On this site, I'm going to talk about Advanced Dungeons And Dragons(ADnD). I'll give a bit of history on the subject itself, as well as some background on how I got involved in it also I'llgive you any tips or tricks I've acquired through the years. And, of course, I'll include lots of pictures of ADnD and misc. stuff about it.


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Please get in touch and let me know what you think of this site. Also feel free to contribute to this site with your own tips.